Thursday, December 20, 2007
D-O-N-E! Done.
Now all I have to do is finish off work (my contract ends tomorrow) and I can sleep, eat, wrap gifts and watch Christmas movies till my eyes turn into squares. It really doesn't take that much to make me a happy gal...
Thursday, December 13, 2007
the straw that made the camel get drunk
Monday, December 10, 2007
Here are the The Rules: Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, to let them know that they have been tagged and to read the blog.
There is a lot random stuff about me:
1. At the tender age of three I got a chair stuck on my head. Yes I know wha???? I did. Don't ask... it is a family legend that I will never live down.
2. I have freckles on my face, just my face. They turned up after grade 4 and they are still here. People tell me they will fade but I am beginning to think that I will be forever young even at 80 with a full-on freckle-face though I am guessing by then my wrinkles might hide them all. (ahem Lu wear your sunscreen!)
3. I am quite reserved with people I don't know at first and am often mistaken for being really private. I am..until you get to know me then I will sing, dance and perform for you.
4. My sister and I have a slew of made-up terms that we have managed to get my family using. Nope not twins just sisters who spent too much time eating candy and cackling over bad tv shows and dance movies.
5. I love patterns.
6. I hate cooked carrots.
7. I have an unfortunate addiction to shortbread...
So I tag things i know, dan and taking the time to unwind
Thursday, December 6, 2007
a week to go
But seriously, ONE WEEK. Uhhh it is make me queasy just thinking about it. We did manage to get about 8 boxes to my folks place but there are still random piles of our stuff that somehow need to work their way into a box.
We have also accumulated an odd assortment of items which need to find a way out of our home and not into our storage, included are:
- a heated fish tank that T thought would be a good idea which actually turned into a massacre of 15 neon tetras
- a planter full of old corks (not mine) and
- a collection of empty Scotch bottle containers (again NOT mine)
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
oh ladieeeeeees
"Researchers have found that only 2.7 percent of sampled news stories focused on women on weekdays and 3 percent focused on women on Sunday."
We make up a lot more of the population than that. Go check it out and be informed.
Monday, December 3, 2007
happy b-day lil' bro
Little did the "little brother" know that:
a) he would wear pick diapers for the first 60 days of his life because everyone was SO sure he would be a girl that diapers were pre-bought
b) he would be subjected to being my sister's real life toy that she could dress up and put in her toy cradle beside her creepy Baby Shivers.
c) he would have two older sisters that love him soooooo much but also have no qualms about totally embarrassing him when necessary (though he has started to retaliate which is a bit distressing)
So to my much younger bro happy birthday and thanks for all the disgusting jokes, crazy dances, random attempted punches and for growing up to be pretty cool.
Friday, November 30, 2007
getting me down
I went to my first Christmas party of the season. It was an open house at an agency where I used to work. Everyone there is amazing, they truly were to best group of people to work with. It was nice to catch up with everyone but after the end of the night I ended up feeling a bit melancholy about my career or, to be honest, my lack of one. I am not too sure why it hit me more last night and today but I suppose it is that I see friends or co-workers my age moving ahead, getting promoted and earning great wages and seeming pretty darn happy. I usually get the inevitable question "So...where are you now?" to which I have to try and explain all the jobs I've held in the last 2.5 years. Which usually gets a "Wow...that is a lot of jobs..". I just end up feeling inarticulate, stupid and a little bit embarrassed by the fact that I am 26, edging on 27, and I have no clear career direction yet. It is just kind of getting me down today.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
a bit nerdy

Neat hey, T did it too but he was slightly pissed that his was a gibbon.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
roll me a head!
I have had it.
This new couple has huge screaming matches where things get broken or someone gets kicked out and we have to listen to it. But the icing on the damn cake is that at 3am this morning their huge bull mastiff cried and whined all morning. Beats me where the neighbours were as there is no way they could have been sleeping with that yowling going on. T and I tried everything from banging on the floor to praying it would stop. T even went downstairs wearing his uggs, my sassy fleece robe from grade 8 and his newsboy cap (obviously it was very early in the am) and banged loudly on the door to no avail though the dog did come by and sniff at the door.
So now I am at work holding my eyes open with toothpicks while I chug coffee.
All I have to say is if that happens again tonight..heads are gonna roll!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
catch up
- the trip to San Francisco was awesome. it is beautiful and clean with really friendly people. I will post some pics soon
- we did a major pack of the apartment last weekend and attacked the office which was the room i was most scared of. we used to put everything we didn't know what to do with in there and then close the door....but it is clean now
- i posted some furniture for sale on monday and it sold monday night and now we have no dressers, desk or book shelf. our bedroom just has a bed in it and piles of clothes on the ground!
- our landlord brought someone to have a look at our apartment last night, it was sort of embarassing because like i said above our stuff is all over the ground. but she liked the place which means we can move out Dec.15 and get half a month of rent back!
- oh yeah and she wants to buy our TV and DVD player which means we dont have to move it
- it snowed here and though i don't feel like being cold i do hope it is a white christmas
Friday, November 16, 2007
patience is not my virtue
Thursday, November 8, 2007
posture and other things
We had to all take turns modeling while people took turns taking photos and posing us, so that we could see how posing has a lot to do with how well a photo turns out. First up, young working gal, she reluctantly dragged herself to the front...the first thing the teacher says is she will look 20 pounds lighter if she does not face the camera straight on. I couldn't believe he said it, but young working gal took it well and remarked that she will walk sideways from now on. Our prof doesn't mean it, I think he just says exactly what he is thinking without thinking about how it might sound.
Then I get volunteered so I go up and they take some photos and he says, " see because her face is so skinny you can create cheekbones". I started to laugh because he just says the things we would never say. Then the finale was a larger guy was asked to model and the Prof suggested that if he sat up straighter he would be less chunky! Again this guy was pretty good about it and laughed it off. And I was busy at the back of the classroom trying to stifle snorts while I laughed in my head.
Lesson...sit up straight in photos and don't face the camera, angle yourself away a bit and think before you speak.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Weekend Update
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
1 - Pack up the apartment
This has started! Well actually I have only chucked our CDs into a box so there is lots to do
2 - Take pictures of furniture, post online and (please please) sell furniture
We are getting rid of some dressers, a desk and a bookshelf....this does mean that for about 4 weeks our clothes will live on the floor, chairs, the back of doors...
3 - Sell my beloved Ford Aspire a.k.a "Bobby Assfire"
I did not think I would care but I am more than a little sad to think I won't be speeding around in this car again.
4 - Try and get my Spanish ability moving forward
With all this other stuff going on I have been slacking on studying
5 - Get T and I vaccinated.
I hate needles. T hates them more than I do...good times.
6 - Eat everything in the pantry
Ok maybe not the seriously old looking vermicelli noodles that I cannot recall buying...but I hate throwing out food so we are going to attack that pantry with voracious appetites for all things canned, pickled and possibly unrecognizable.
Though I am getting a bit panicky that 6 weeks is not enough time for us to get ready and out of our apartment it is a good excitement.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i got phished!
I would use real and colourful language but I do believe there are more descriptive words to describe this situation....ok not really... I just want to swear to the the high heavens about this. So here is the bank has been calling me non-stop and since I can see it is a 1-866 number I have been 'avoiding' the calls. Yes they could be calling for something important and this has crossed my mind which would explain my lack of brain cells about two hours ago. In my junk mail was a message from my bank asking me to log in and update my security information....
In my brain at that moment...
Two minutes later filling out my bank info on a form that I clicked to from the 'bank message'
"Wait a minute...didn't I already give this info.....$%#& %$#% %^#$ this is not my stupid bank....would their email address end in UUUUHHHHH I am an idiot.....Oh my GOD someone may have my information RIGHT NOW. Frick I am such a tool. Ok ok ok call the bank..."
So I did and told them that about the email and to watch for unusual activity. Then I changed my password and called t to tell him about the situation. As always he told me not to worry I did the right thing. The right thing would have been not clicking that link!
2 minutes later her gets an email entitled "cannot breathe" from his lovely if a bit crazy wife,
(I should just reiterate how lucky I am to have someone that loves me even though I can get myself worked up in less that 3 minutes and then proceed to stress myself to the point of no return)
He very nicely suggested that perhaps I should just cancel my cards for peace of mind...I think it was his peace of mind but it was good call and that is just what I did.
So I owe an apology to the people at VISA and my bank. Thanks for cancelling my cards and not thinking that I was a total nard for clicking a link into a totally FAKE email.
And yes...I will call you back about adjusting my savings account.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
thoughts on a sunny saturday
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
is it just me?
1:58 PM I just found this:
and refuse to think about the things you don't want.
- Brian Tracy
Point taken.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
like a polaroid picture
i am so looking forward to the long weekend coming up, i have tacked on a few more days to turn it into a mini vacation. i booked t and i in for a massage on friday night which i cannot wait for and then we head off to BC for a family thanksgiving celebration where we will golf, relax in the hots springs and eat way too much. (i usually forget to leave room for pumpkin pie but i cram it in anyway then spend the rest of the evening on the couch recovering). WEEEEEEEE!
here is my question why is it so expensive to fly in canada? on oct 12 i am joining t in toronto for yes, another long weekend. he has to be out there for work so all i have to do is get there and i can stay for free! i even got to pick a very nice hotel for us. i was trying to book my flight for one weekend, ONLY TWO DAYS, and it cost $900. i was bummed and figured i couldn't go...well i decided i wouldn't go as the cost was insane. but t convinced me to take the monday after off...i did...and it saved about $450, i am not kidding...24 hours later the flight drops to half the cost. that is ridiculous. honestly it is crazy that i could fly to bangkok for about the same amount of money. not to mention that i would probably spend less in two weeks there than two days in toronto! no wonder i have barely seen any of my home country...hey canada isn't our dollar kicking ass right now how about some cheap flights so people will spend their money in our great nation and not the states. sorry americans, no offense.
Monday, October 1, 2007
martha, milkshakes and models
- i spent some time is micheal's (yeah i am crafty) and, while there, i came across Martha Stewart's new line of papers, ribbons, cards etc. i am pretty sure that martha has my dream job...
- 4 pieces of pizza, even when starving is never a good plan
- my neighbours, who i love, moved out this saturday. we helped them pack up and said goodbye. i cried.
- t and i worked this saturday. we are almost done the second project we are working on which means we can invoice soon!
- saturday was spent having dinner and drinks with 2 kiwis, 1 american, 1 argentinian and 1 brit. it was very nice to chat with people from all over the world
- yesterday my sis and i drank milkshakes, goofed around and watched clips of models falling on youtube. i know we are mean but seriously i have not laughed like that in a long time. (she leaves on tuesday for asia...i will miss her so much)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
what else is in there?
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
reading rules
Thursday, September 20, 2007
kid nation first impression and ideas
still i have to watch a few more to see how it goes.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
the count down is on
since arriving home about 4 years ago i have been itching to leave again. don't get me wrong i love my hometown but i just feel there is so much out there to see and learn about that i would be cheating myself if i did not step into the unknown again. and one of my biggest fears is waking up at the ripe old age of 80 and realizing that i should have gone for it instead of spending my life being too chicken to risk it. that being said sometimes i wonder if it is a good plan career-wise to leave at the young age of 26. it does mean a whole swack of resume issues...but i am going to have faith that i will either be able to find work down there or that my next interview will be with an avid traveller who will hire me and pay me $80k a year because i am so well-travelled. ha ha ha i make myself laugh i really do.
so there it is...the countdown is on 4 months to go.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
i never win anything
it is not that i am unlucky but as far as draws. raffles, carnival games, well... pretty much any sort of event that one could win a prize by competing i never win. i am not bitter about fact i am ok with it, not everyone can win.
but this morning at i donated $5 to eat a yummy breakfast, and after this delish breakie there was a draw for everyone who had participated and they called....ME and i won a $50 gift certificate to a shopping mall (which is fabulous because i saw another dress i love....more on that some other time)
perhaps a change of luck is upon me.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
freaking exciting!
- it is September...we leave in January
- our apartment has somehow accumulated waaaaaay more stuff than expected in the last 4 years
- we have to clean out and pack up our stuff (see above) and store it...somewhere
- what am i doing with my life (this is a constant thing to stress out so no reason why it shouldn't make it onto this list)
- how am i going to pack up my beloved clothes and shoes and live out of a backpack again (yeah yeah whatever i can't help it)
- will our little beloved VW (a.k.a Marlin) be up for the driving challenge
- how are we going to get around Columbia???
but i am excited about
- hitting the road
- learning to speak spanish more fluently (please please please)
- beaches to hang out on
- learning to surf..i have to before we move to NZ otherwise i won't be able to keep up with the boys
- my amazing camera that is going to capture this adventure
- getting to see another part of the world with t, this time as a couple (yeah whole other story..perhaps one day i will blog about that)
- the potential to maybe work abroad again
- seeing the world from another point of view
- saying "see ya" to the oil and gas madness that has taken over this province
- meeting new people and cultures
- that feeling of not knowing what you are going to do that day
Thursday, September 6, 2007
didn't yo' momma teach you right?
but the concert was too much fun and it was great to see t smiling and bobbing his head along to old faves. i am happy that i could give him a little bit of his home here in canada...
oh yeah and someone in front of me smelled like old sausage. EWWWWW!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
whup some mental block ass
Monday, August 27, 2007
thank goodness
- my ugg boots (yeah yeah i know they are ugly but it is COLD and we have hardwood floors)
- good health
- my family
- old songs that make you smile
- t's hugs
- time off of work
Monday, August 20, 2007
genki des
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
facebook conspiracy
kels: why? what did you do
t: that is not relevant, just say "they" were looking for you
kels: they?
t: ok the government
kels; ok but why?
t: kels...that is not the point the point is that this facebook account would screw you because they would know everything about you....right, from where you are, to what you like, all your contact information, to all your
kels: ok i guess so....but why would you be running from the government
t: (sighs and rolls his eyes) i have already said that is NOT the point
kels: ummm i am keeping my account
t: fine....hey can you look for some friends of mine
Monday, August 13, 2007
Friday, August 10, 2007
piggyback rides, smacking spoons and sugar
last night was finally a quiet one. After work i went to my gym class, it is entitled “commando cardio” and no we don’t work out naked. Actually it is this boot camp style class that makes me cringe before i go but after it i feel awesome. We spent the whole class partnered up and running around doing wheelbarrows and piggybacking our partners while running. Let me just say that i am SO glad that my partner was a small, yet muscular, nice gal. I am sure my knees would have buckled had i been paired up with one the 250 pound guys in our class and asked to piggyback him across the room. (although i bet it would have been funny to watch) after receiving a compliment from the instructor about looking “toned not skinny” I was feeling pretty fit. Got home and watched our neighbour smack spoons against his body and dance around our living room while chanting some oddly accented English. I love this guy. T and i tried to figure out what to eat for dinner, both is getting grumpier by the second, we decided on take out Indian. Not bad butter chicken but i have had better. Then we watched “Amelie”, one of my favourite movies, and increased our chances of diabetes by eating 3 different FunDip flavours. Remember those from when you were a kid, the candy stick that you lick and then stick into pure sugar? Man i had not had one in good. Well i thought it was, T wasn’t so sure about the burning sensation on his tongue.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
excel is a pain but DAMN my eyebrows look good
right now all i can see is grid lines even when i close my eyes .
it is early, i have had maybe five hours of sleep and i am trying to decide whether i like excel or want to punch in the screen of our mac. as mentioned, T and i are working together and part of what i bring to the table is my ability to present and organize information (hello nerd). honestly 2 years ago i was terrified of excel, i think i even failed an excel ability test that i took at a temp agency. the girl looked and me and said “so ummm, how do you think you did?” like that is ever a good question to be asked. anyhow much has changed since then. i would say i am well on my way to becoming an excel wizard. but i have a love / hate relationship with it. i love it for its ability to neatly present things but i hate it when it randomly flips out and refuses to listen to my commands. when cells won’t paste into others for whatever reason it makes my blood boil. T who is a designer, has not had much experience with excel and was using it last night for a client document. i set up the spreadsheet and then decided that i needed a computer break and watched “so you think you can dance”. all the while i could hear T mumbling profanities...this is a man who uses programs like vectorworks, illustrator and indesign. seems crazy that of all programs to give him grief excel seemed to be the pain in his arse. i tried to help him out where i could but he is like me and we both do not like to told how to do something, so it was a lesson in knowing when to pick your battles. as of 11pm last night the spreadsheet looked great!
after happily shutting down excel i went to work on an article that i am planning to submit. T was nice enough to stay up to 12am with me editing and making suggestions. then he stumbled off the bed while i stayed up and worked on it until 1:30am. hard to say whether it is ok or not, T had a read this am and told me he thought it was good. whether that is true or not remains to be seen. i am getting ready to submit it and hope to hear some sort of response.
on a totally different note my eyebrows look great! got them done by my little Czech esthetician this morning. know what i am saying. Dudes yeah i know this makes no sense to you but taming unruly brows gives us gals some serious satisfaction.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
the lady life or biatch?
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
i hope so
Failure is only a temporary change in direction to
set you straight on the path to your next success.
- Denis Waitley
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
bad things x 3 = change of luck, right?
- I quit my job after much deliberating (about 3 months worth)
- Told my boss right after a meeting where it was mentioned that we have so much work to do and not enough people (in my defense she pulled me aside as i had asked to speak to her when she had a minute)
- T met me for lunch in a foul mood and we proceeded to spend the lunch hour arguing
- Had to chat with the managing partner on why i was leaving
- Played rec volleyball when i did not really want to
- Got smacked very HARD in the face with a team mates elbow / shoulder / ??? not really sure since i got hit and did not actually see it
- My eye swelled up and i cried in front of about 12 strangers
- Woke up this morning with my eye being crusted shut and super swollen
Monday, July 30, 2007
weddings are fun with my fam
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
t and i had a t & t adventure on Sunday. it is an asian market full of asian treats. i love going there even though the last time we were there a very tiny Chinese lady rammed her cart into the back if my thighs and i made the mistake of pushing back, and she went off like a swear word siren. lucky for me it was in Chinese, but it is noted that as a tall white girl i am NOT allowed to do the push back ever. anyhoooo, this trip was so fun. i love seeing all the fruits and vegtables i was used to seeing and eating while i was overseas ( i spent 1.5 years in asia). it made me miss japan even more. but i did get to scoop up some of my Japanese favourites including these chip-like treats we call Calbee. they are soybean shaped and green and have the texture of a cheeto. weird yes..delish, absolutely. we also purchased green plums which were very good, i have only ever seen purple ones but i think the green are better. i think my favourite part was when we decided to buy tuna as they have the best selection of fresh fish. so we wander through the maze of people to the counter and look at all the varieties of fish. i am not a huge fan of fish smell of seeing them lying on the ice but what made me squeal was when one of the fish heads (as in not attached to a body) opened and closed it mouth while its eyes moved. EW EW EEEEEEEW. while i was containing my squirmishness t tried to ask for tuna, one guy looked at us confused and pointed to a lady for us to pose our question. so t tried her...she walked us over to the fish and drew her arm like vanna white over the fish counter as if to say “here is the tuna” except that there were about 7 different fish lying there. since we don’t know how to recognize tuna in its uncanned form (ok maybe just me) we gave up. sigh..... it is pretty cool when you are in white, red-neck Alberta and there is an entire grocery store where people don’t speak English. I love it.
Friday, July 20, 2007
BO versus cologne
i am pretty active and regularly hit the gym or go for a run around 6 am. (before you give me crap i am NOT a morning person, i have just trained myself to get up an out early so i can laze around in the evenings) anyhoooo this morning i went to the gym. i literally get dressed in 3 minutes and head out the door. yep it is not so pretty but it is early and i don’t care. i am there to workout and i don't do small talk at the gym. i do,however, take the time to put on deodorant unlike the gentleman i worked out beside this morning. i got trapped. i walked up the elliptical,as i usually do, put my water bottle in the holder and WHAM! was hit by a wave of really horrible man BO. i know i know i stink too when i work out but i am pretty sure not like this. But then i was stuck...i could not just pick up my stuff and change machines, how bad would that look and how awful would stinky guy feel. so i stuck it out and he was only there for about 10 minutes before he left. perfect. or so i thought...this other guy gets on the same elliptical wearing an overwhelming amount of cologne. in fact it turned my stomach and gave me a headache. i am not sure why you would bother with cologne at the gym...maybe he knew the guy before me stank so tried to even it out. Beats me, i am still trying to decide if BO beats the cologne.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
metaphors, meh and secrets
i watched "the secret" about 2 months ago and although cheesy i think there really is some truth to what and how you think affects the world around you (ex: positive thinking bring positive opportunities). sometimes i am bad at this whole positive thinking because i feel that this whole idea is a bit hippy dippy but then when i see someone,who is happy and excuding positive vibes, loving life i think there must be something to it. and since i have been thinking that traveling the world, living on beaches and growing my hair down my back beats sitting in an office all day, i think i may just have a hidden flower child on the inside. but a clean flower child - i will never not shower or wear patchouli (aka soil smell) perfume in case you were worried.
Monday, July 16, 2007
gross floors, good friends and gord
- did a little stampede partying
- had a few vodka tonics
- tried avoid the questionable puddles on the floor at cowboys
- line-danced with my sis
- was in way too many silly photos (if i figure out how i will try and post one)
- watched my husband put spurs on with his flip flops
- contemplated the dress code at the calgary stampede
- was amazed that completely random people feel that they can say whatever they want to you while intoxicated
on saturday i:
- had breakie with a good friend of mine
- rehydrated (see above)
- had more drinks on our front lawn with friends
- made a yummy dinner of turkey burgers
on sunday i:
- had to go to a bridal shower (it was nice...really just not my thing that is all)
- tried to buy shorts but arrived 5 minutes after the store closed (grrrrrr)
- went to the tragically hip concert where gord downie danced, writhed, crawled, jumped and sang his heart out on stage
- ate one last bag of mini dougnuts
Friday, July 13, 2007
hassles cost $5
so last night was a mission and a half. kait, my little sis, and i had to buy a bridal shower gift for a shower we are going to this weekend...before i start my story i should probably explain just how much i dislike this part of what we call “the wedding”.
why do we need parties to celebrate the bigger party...why are there no men at a shower....why do these events have themes and games (blech). i know they are traditional and that i am sure some people love them but i get all weirded out by them. yes you are getting married, yes it is a very big decision, but it is not the only big one you will make in your life. (FYI kait did plan a shower for me due to our mother’s insistence on it, i did not want one but i got one and i know kait planned it against her will so i forgave her....there were no games)
anyhooo so there we are in home outfitters strolling aisles while we ponder what to buy (it had to be plate related because is a “plate” party) so after a bit kait starts muttering that she is going to kill herself and i am wondering if the massage chair might kill me, we moved on to pier 1, mikasa and finally indigo. yup, the bookstore is where we found our plates. Success and no bloodshed... well at least not that moment. So we get 2 plates, 1 set of cute coasters, and a cookbook. we practically ran to the till we were so that is where the lindor chocolates are. enter new cashier...there we are at the front all excited to be done and kait asks if they have a box for one of the plates, cashier replies “are you asking for a box?” i was a bit taken aback as i had just heard what kait said, so how could this person not? kait said “uh yeah that is what i asked for”. We get a no on the box. ok cool then maybe we can get it to fit in the bigger box with the other plate. So we checked it out and things look good, kait makes sure the cashier gets the code so that we can put the 2 away together. i ask for gift receipts (a must with any wedding related gift) and then i get 3 different ones including one for the card. at this point i am laughing out someone who worked in retail for a long time i cannot believe this craziness. we leave slightly pissed off but glad we are done.
15 minutes later... i arrive at my folks place where i was going to wrap the gift before kait and i watched “so you think you can dance.” i started digging through the bag and realize i am not only missing another gift receipt but my original receipt, with the list of what we had bought, is no where to be seen. i call the store, speak to a helpful sales associate who locates my receipt...then i had a bad feeling and asked if the smaller plate was on there, it was not. so basically we have stolen a plate (ironic as kait made a joke about this in the beginning). at this point i am not impressed but said i would get back there to sort it all out
2 hours later... after watching our dance show and eating jalapeno cheese i went back to indigo to sort this whole mess out. i get there pull out all the stuff, talk with the manager, try not to get frustrated, buy the stolen plate, get all my receipts and, get this, i was given a $5 gift card for the hassle...yes $5 covers my gas and annoyance. Sheeeeeeeesh. at least give me a book...or, if i was kait, the bucket of lindor chocolates.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
9 days of fun
i am back after 9 days of checking out the west coast. Too may things to write about so i will list them
Attended a baseball game in Vancouver, am reminded why people get drunk at these events (way too long)
Walked Robson on Canada day
Arrived in Tofino when it was pouring rain
Bought tarp in Tofino, t climbed trees to put it up
Saw the most amazing forests and the biggest slugs i have ever seen
T surfed, i sunned (and fought off a huge bug all by myself) on the beach
Paid $1 for a 3.5 minute shower and managed to have time to spare
Got truckers to honk as we drove to Victoria
Explored Victoria, who knew all the crazy stuff that is here in Canada
Ate at Rebar restaurant twice, it was food heaven!
Decorated 2 flower girl baskets
Attended a very beautiful wedding
Cried at the beautiful wedding
Danced at the wedding too
Drove the long way home...sigh
Friday, June 29, 2007
in the last 4 days
learned how not to transfer emails from mac enoutrage to microsoft outlook
attempted to pack light (HA HA HA)
gotten 2 new blisters (note to shoe-lovers out there, wear them in first)
driven to vancouver
had a LOT of beer
enjoyed lunch with my cool aunt and uncle
watched about 6 espisodes of "Gene Simmons: Family Jewels"
tried to not get crushed by my cousins' two massive dogs
searched endlessly for black flats to replace my old ones that are dying to no avail :(
realized how much i like the west coast
finally relaxed and gotten into vacation mode
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
slow motion
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
dinner, deafness and crest strips
I love those guys.
Monday, June 25, 2007
year 2
Friday, June 22, 2007
10 random facts about me
- I love to dance I started when I was 3 in ballet and tap and even though I don’t take classes anymore, if the music is going I find it hard to not start moving to it
- My freckles appeared when I was in grade 4
- One time I ate 2 (yes TWO) footlong was a family record, my little bro, who is 6’2, has quashed that record many times over now.
- Once i got a chair stuck on my head (yes i know...i was 2, beats me what I was doing)
- I often get the giggles late at night and cannot stop to t’s dismay, and I keep him awake as long as I can
- In grade two i punched someone for budging in line (I was standing up for another dad is still proud of that I think)
- My sister is my best friend
- I am a very fast reader, and can devour books in one sitting if I have the time
- Traveling is my religion
- I do high kicks when too intoxicated (t will confirm this) I also drop my bag, if I am carrying one, a lot in this state
Thursday, June 21, 2007
public state of undress
As a young woman I really find this a major step back for ‘equalism’ (my version of feminism, equality and respect for both genders). my mother’s generation fought hard to beat stereotypes and discrimination and now we have 10 year old girls who want to be pussycat dolls. Is this new generation going to take woman back 50 years? I am very scared they might. With people like harper and bush in government we are already seeing rights that have been hard fought for and won, like abortion, being questioned. That makes me crazy, that anyone thinks they have the right to control anyone else’s body is beyond me. I don’t think I have the right at all to dictate how women dress but I think I have the right to say to women in general that we are so much more than our bodies and being well-read, intelligent and funny is a lot sexier than gluteal folds.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
just throw it out the window
and i am looking forward to our future travels and adventures. and i guess that is what is pretty cool after 5 years, i really look forward to spending time with him even though i see him everyday. so to my really are the best.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
my cardy
PS the sun is out today HALLELUJAH!!!
Monday, June 18, 2007
why oh why does it rain all weekend and then on Monday the clouds part to reveal the lovely sunshine?
Friday, June 15, 2007
sweet dreams
To dream that you are pregnant, symbolizes an aspect of yourself or some aspect of your personal life that is growing and developing. You may not be ready to talk about it or act on it. This may also represent the birth of a new idea, direction, project or goal.
To see your belly in your dream, indicates that your are processing and integrating your ideas and feelings from the unconscious to the conscious level. The belly symbolically holds repressed emotions and unexpressed feelings. Your dream may also be telling you to trust your gut feeling and intuition.
To see a pregnant belly, represents emotions that are due to come to the surface. They can no longer remain suppressed.
Ok ok so I googled it, here is the site if you are interested.
So guess things may be coming to fruition. All in all I think these things seem pretty good to me. I think I am getting closer to being able to move forward.
On another note I ate about 8 pieces of baklava the other day. I just cannot help myself with sweets. But nuts are good for you right?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
bangs and small talk
anyway on to lighter things, like my hair. i cut straight bangs, they are longer so they are sort of in my eyes a bit but i think it was a good change. plus i think if i hate them in a month they will grow out fast. sweet.
had a work party last night, the company's one year anniversary. i am not very good at shmoozing know small talk and charming everyone over. in fact it makes me really uncomfy but i did try and managed to have one really awkward conversation with a new client. it was going ok until i was out of things to say and was looking for a way to end the chat...we did the "nice talking to you" and then i started frantically looking for someone to catch my eye so that i could look like i HAD to go. no such luck so i just kind of looked like a dork. UuuuUUUUUUhhhhhhhh i really wish i was not so goofy. but then in a way i am kind of ok with not being some super charmer as i have never been big on kissing up to people and i think that is why i am bad at these type of events. it just feels so false to me.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
instinct is always correct
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
dont drool and drive
anyhow the dentist today was ok...except at one point he told me i was a "grinder" which he emphasized by adding a scottish accent to it (some more like GGgrrrrrrrrrrindeRRR). i am not sure what that was about as he is not scottish...but i did appreciate that it made me smile on the inside since he was drilling into my tooth, my mouth was being held open and my whole face was pretty much frozen so smiling on the outside was not an option.
oh yeah and i paid the equivalent of my half of rent for an hour of his time. dentist fees are crazy..if i did not think that looking in someone's mouth was disgusting it might have been a good career option well maybe not but i would have amazing shoes.
the drive back was insane. everywhere i turned roads were closed down. this city is a nightmare to drive in right now. i was about to have serious road rage. honestly between the rain, 14th street north being closed, 10th ave north having slowed down due to flashing lights, and people driving like jerks it was enough to make me think about pulling over and reading my book for an hour....except that i have to work. so i managed to pull it together and drive back. but i am pondering writing to the paper about the roads in this city, i know everyone feels the same but there must be a better way to deal with it.
ps prime minister harper calgary is not dealing well with the infrastructure issues...i thought you knew that aren't you from here?
I am listening to jeff buckley right now and it is taking me back to my time in japan. I used to listen to this cd while I walked to the train station from one of my rural schools. Everything was closed even though it was 9 at night. I passed an odd assortment of things; silhouettes of Japanese families through rice paper windows, crazy neon lights, a very weird Japanese meathead gym and at the end I’d cross a large bridge to arrive at the station that would take me home to nagano. Even though it could get quite lonely there I think it was good for me and now I long for those days of anonymity. I kind of enjoyed that if I turned my phone off no one would know where I was in the world….sort of zen..well for me anyway. It is funny how the word “home” is totally relative….if you have not read global soul by pico iyer I totally recommend it. He discusses the global community and how we often can fit where we don’t expect to…..he is East Indian and oddly enough, calls japan home.
Monday, June 4, 2007
oooohhhh johnnny
Saturday was awesome, t and I wandered around the city and probably walked about 8 km just walking about the city. Calgarians do know how to make the most of the summer and there are festivals every weekend. There was a lot of dancing which I love! (most people who know me already know that I have a mad love of dance and according to my mom this started off when I danced to macho duck at the age of 2) the thing with dance performances is this....if you are not really sure of the steps you probably should not be dancing. I know I know harsh...but it is true, I have done my fair share of dance recitals and it is imperative that you know you part inside and out (thank you mr and mrs rothwell). And nothing is more noticeable that a dancer trying to sneak looks at another dancer’s feet. Anyhow I do give them a heartfelt good effort as it is never easy to perform in front of an audience.
Saturday evening we ate the most delicious indian food and then went to see “pirates of the carribbean 3”. It was ok....not the best one for sure but what girl could say no to seeing johnny depp. I still love that guy...loved him since 21 jump street. ha! you know you did too...
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
too darn short
saturday was spent distracting a friend while her husband prepared a surprise 30th birthday bbq party for her. it was pretty fun and apparently i am quite the actress as she had no idea. i started playing around with my new camera at the party and took tonnes of pictures with it, now i just have to figure out how to upload them to the computer.
we wandered around lilac fest on sunday but it was insanely busy and crowds like that put me into a bad mood as i feel like people are rude and pushy. then i get rude and pushy...vicious cycle. we headed home and took a detour at the drug store for nyquil in hopes of killing the cold. did not work but we both slept well. then we capped off the evening with a hot dog and a b rate horror film that a friend of mine made. it was pretty cool to see someone doing what they love and to see all the friends who came out to support it.
so that was my weekend, they are never long enough that is for sure...
Thursday, May 24, 2007
but a fond memory
The other night I met up with some people from high school....some of them I have not seen since the last day of grade 12. It was pretty crazy but really nice at the same time. Everyone has turned out great and it is nice to meet them all as adults and laugh about the immature days of high school. It was the crazy phenomenon known as facebook that brought us all back together. I am glad of it as next year is our 10 year reunion but I do not expect to be here for it so this is a great way to find out what people are up to these days. Kind of surreal but also quite cool to see where everyone is and how they are.
So to my old pals it is truly nice to see you all!
Friday, May 18, 2007
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
to me
actually i would tell my younger self many things:
1- go to art school or fashion school
2- think about what you would like to do for a career (it will be an issue)
3-you are attractive in your own interesting way
4-maybe you should date around :)
5-floss more (had a bad trip to the dentist 2 weeks ago)
6-exercise more for goodness sake you are in kinesiology!
7-maybe you should consider switching programs
8-wear shorter skirts you have great legs and it is ok to know that
9-do crazy stuff now
10-remember that your family knows you best even if you don't believe it
i have alot more to tell my younger self but i think maybe i should focus on my "self" now and start getting in touch with the future self...
Monday, May 14, 2007
"Find out what you like doing best and
get someone to pay you for doing it."
- Katherine Whitehorn
hi katherine? me.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
dudes don't want twigs
nice to hear dudes don't want twigs.
Tyra's chubby-is-beautiful crusade rings hollow
David Staples |
Edmonton Journal |
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Not only is Tyra now on the cover -- looking all sleek and bikini-clad -- of pro-slender Shape magazine, but all of the finalists on her show America's Next Top Model are various shapes of skinny, skinny and skinny.
If you look at Tyra's words, as opposed to her actions, there's no doubt she has talked a good -- and undeniably feel-good -- game when it comes to bashing the fashion industry for pushing skinny models on the public, as opposed to hiring more normal-looking, plus-sized beauties for magazine spreads and runway shows.
She recently launched a campaign called,"So What!", which is apparently the proper comeback to shout out if someone criticizes her or any other woman for being too portly.
And this year, on her show, America's Next Top Model, Tyra even picked two plus-sized models to be in the Final 12.
But those two bigger girls are now long gone, and the competition is down to the survival of the slimmest.
One finalist, Jaslene, is the kind of curves-challenged model that most guys absolutely do not find attractive, but for some reason is invariably featured in the most high-brow of fashion magazines, which tend to be run by wraiths cloaked in Prada. (Presumably a sizable percentage of women must also secretly yearn to view these ultra-slim models, otherwise the magazines would go out of business, as did Mode, the one magazine devoted to plus-sized models.)
In the Top Model competition, Jaslene has had as many first-place finishes as her next closest competitor, Natasha, who is by far the most curvy of the finalists, and the one who would easily be the choice if any red-blooded male picked the winner.
Hell, if a guy were picking the winner, he would also go for a Jordin Sparks, a plus-sized model and the star of this year's American Idol, over any of the Jaslenes of the world, and I'm not saying that to be nice or politically correct, but to hammer home the point that men prefer women to be curvier than the weirdly thin, fashion-magazine ideal.
But, of course, red-blooded males don't pick the winners in the fashion industry. It's run by high-society ladies who think a stick of cheddar cheese is a sinful dose of junk food.
So why is it that bone-thin models are so favoured in the fashion industry? And, in a more general sense, are the fashion editors engaged in a conspiracy to make chubby folks feel bad, or are they merely reflecting a deeper truth about what is now attractive?
It's often been said that as we all get fatter, fashion models get thinner.
One convincing theory for the trend is that in the past, during the endless centuries of scarcity and famine, biological health -- the ability to produce healthy, thriving children -- was equated with being heavy. It was consequently seen as sexy to be portly. That is why poets and artists of past eras were so enthusiastic about women who would now be seen as in need of a diet.
Today, however, there's no shortage of food in the developed world. We live in the age of quick and easy calories. Anyone can be fat. Only the disciplined, the health-conscious and, possibly, the genetically lucky, are thin. So, today, like it or not, biological health is equated with slenderness. Thin is in.
The modern notion that fat equals poor biological health has been reinforced by science, an endless array of studies linking overweight and fat to numerous and serious health problems. If anything is putting the brakes on the feel-good Tyra-led, plus-sized model crusade, it is this health argument, which is too convincing to be denied.
It's worth noting that Tyra really started pushing her plus-sized ideas this winter when she was blasted for being too heavy herself. Since then, however, she's taken steps to change, as is reflected in her appearance in Shape, a bible of the fitness-obsessed.
In her Shape interview, Tyra stresses that she wants everyone to eat healthy foods, and admits she recently hired a part-time chef so she could eat better. "I realized I needed to take better care of myself," she said, adding that whole months went by when she didn't exercise. She has recently turned that around as well, she said, and is working out hard.
So Banks has rediscovered what we all know all too well and struggle with endlessly in our own lives -- that eating healthier and exercising more is the only real answer to the inconvenient truth that fat isn't beautiful. It's unhealthy.