Thursday, December 13, 2007

the straw that made the camel get drunk

I think my stress level has reached the point where I could possible burst into tears at any point. Charming I know and yes, poor poor T. But I am valiantly trying to focus on this Sunday when; our apartment will be packed up, we will be living in luxury with my parents (comparatively speaking), my friends will be home for Christmas, I will be almost done gift shopping and I can drink myself into a languid stupor on rum n' eggnog while eating an entire tupperware full of shortbread. Life will be sweet again!


Sassy said...

soooooooooo its sunday!!! how's the languid stupor thing going??? lol.. hope you're feeling much better. Date #4 is up :-)

Stepiphany said...

Aren't the holidays grand?

Dan said...

Come here you ...

{{{{{ HUGS }}}}}

That's me and T making a hug sandwich out of you. :)

Things will get better Kels! I promise! They always do.