Monday, July 30, 2007

weddings are fun with my fam

we had a family friend's wedding to go to. my sis and i were really good childhood friends with all the girls in this family but as we grew older we grew apart since we all went to different schools. it was a beautiful wedding but you know how weddings can be if you are not really that close or involved in them. so my siblings and i did this.....


Dx said...

Haven't kept in touch with any of my childhood friends. In fact, didn't keep in touch with anyone since age of 21. Maybe that's sad. It's also why the wedding invitations aren't rolling in. You seem to have enjoyed youreslf.

kels said...

ha yeah it was fun...kind of odd though too as we were friends but don't really hang out much these days. but weddings are always nice to go to, everyone is so happy!