Wednesday, August 1, 2007

bad things x 3 = change of luck, right?

Ever have one of those days? I sure did yesterday, here is what happened:
  • I quit my job after much deliberating (about 3 months worth)
  • Told my boss right after a meeting where it was mentioned that we have so much work to do and not enough people (in my defense she pulled me aside as i had asked to speak to her when she had a minute)
  • T met me for lunch in a foul mood and we proceeded to spend the lunch hour arguing
  • Had to chat with the managing partner on why i was leaving
  • Played rec volleyball when i did not really want to
  • Got smacked very HARD in the face with a team mates elbow / shoulder / ??? not really sure since i got hit and did not actually see it
  • My eye swelled up and i cried in front of about 12 strangers
  • Woke up this morning with my eye being crusted shut and super swollen
Yep good times anyhow i am sure i am due for a change of luck now. i look like i got into a brawl last night, fortunately i am covering the swelling pretty well with makeup and my bangs, i flipped them to the other side. there are definitely days i when i wish i could see the future because if i knew what was going to happen yesterday i would have stayed in bed.


Dan said...

Woke up this morning with my eye being crusted shut and super swollen.

Oh no! Here ... let me give you a hug ... no, over here ... no here ... gosh you weren't kidding about that eye. I'm over here. No here!

kels said...

ha ha ha verrrrrrry funny. actually looking back it is. but believe me last night i was NOT a happy camper.