right now all i can see is grid lines even when i close my eyes .
it is early, i have had maybe five hours of sleep and i am trying to decide whether i like excel or want to punch in the screen of our mac. as mentioned, T and i are working together and part of what i bring to the table is my ability to present and organize information (hello nerd). honestly 2 years ago i was terrified of excel, i think i even failed an excel ability test that i took at a temp agency. the girl looked and me and said “so ummm, how do you think you did?” like that is ever a good question to be asked. anyhow much has changed since then. i would say i am well on my way to becoming an excel wizard. but i have a love / hate relationship with it. i love it for its ability to neatly present things but i hate it when it randomly flips out and refuses to listen to my commands. when cells won’t paste into others for whatever reason it makes my blood boil. T who is a designer, has not had much experience with excel and was using it last night for a client document. i set up the spreadsheet and then decided that i needed a computer break and watched “so you think you can dance”. all the while i could hear T mumbling profanities...this is a man who uses programs like vectorworks, illustrator and indesign. seems crazy that of all programs to give him grief excel seemed to be the pain in his arse. i tried to help him out where i could but he is like me and we both do not like to told how to do something, so it was a lesson in knowing when to pick your battles. as of 11pm last night the spreadsheet looked great!
after happily shutting down excel i went to work on an article that i am planning to submit. T was nice enough to stay up to 12am with me editing and making suggestions. then he stumbled off the bed while i stayed up and worked on it until 1:30am. hard to say whether it is ok or not, T had a read this am and told me he thought it was good. whether that is true or not remains to be seen. i am getting ready to submit it and hope to hear some sort of response.
on a totally different note my eyebrows look great! got them done by my little Czech esthetician this morning. ladies..you know what i am saying. Dudes yeah i know this makes no sense to you but taming unruly brows gives us gals some serious satisfaction.
How exciting! Where are you submitting this article? (can you say?) You're my idol :) I'm looking into freelance writing courses that start in September.
I haven't had my eyebrows professionally groomed since high school I think. I'd like to, but they grow in very thin so I don't feel they warrant reason to go to a pro. I've alway envied lush brows that you can actually shape to be the way you want. There's no altering what I've got.
Oh the greener grass, eh?
LOL!! You're so right ... I work with Excel occassionally and I see grid lines for the rest of the day, like I'm looking at my digital camera's screen, ensuring that the horizon is lined up!
stephiphany...the article is job related. so hard to say what the outcome will be. i cannot be your idol, i am totally winging this hoping that someone will like what i say and how i say it. it may be very naive of me to think that i have much talent in writing but i am going to give it a go.
if you saw the hair on my dad's side of the family you would know why i need to have my brows done!
dan...you are just sooooo happy!it is really nice. i think you are driving people to my blog so thanks. oooh also i added you to my people of goodness section hope that is ok
You are SO SWEET for linking me! Thanks! I'll add you too.
I'm happy because I have wonderful online friends like you!
i sorta told someone that i know how to use access and now have 3 weeks to learn how to actually do it and then build a database to be used in a national counter trafficking programme. whoops. i woke up on saturday morning thinking, 'what have i gotten myself into?' this will be the biggest make or break in my recent history.
and eyebrow waxing? ouch. i am not into grooming that hurts, but i think you know that!
miss you!
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