Thursday, July 19, 2007

metaphors, meh and secrets

so things have been trucking along but there have been a few potholes. fortunately i am working on the paving part...sigh i really could talk in metaphors all day but then i suppose at the end of the day i would forget what i was talking about. anyhow back to straight forward, which i am, apparently to a fault at times. perhaps i am too honest but really i don't believe in lying but i suppose it comes off not so nice at times. i digress, back to the metaphor speak so things have been sort of meh for me umm...professionally (ironic isn't it? i want to be more direct but i do see the danger of blogs and being too honest so i will have to work around the issue a bit). so i have decided that the only one who can make it change is me. so i feel more positive already and am doing a mental tap dance on the guilt i have surrounding this, wait maybe it is more flamenco style (i like the dresses much more).
i watched "the secret" about 2 months ago and although cheesy i think there really is some truth to what and how you think affects the world around you (ex: positive thinking bring positive opportunities). sometimes i am bad at this whole positive thinking because i feel that this whole idea is a bit hippy dippy but then when i see someone,who is happy and excuding positive vibes, loving life i think there must be something to it. and since i have been thinking that traveling the world, living on beaches and growing my hair down my back beats sitting in an office all day, i think i may just have a hidden flower child on the inside. but a clean flower child - i will never not shower or wear patchouli (aka soil smell) perfume in case you were worried.


lu said...

i cannot tell you how happy i am that you will not turn into a dirty hippy.

kels said...

hey man there is NO one who dislikes patchouli more that me. that stuff smells like over-turned dirt, complete with that wet worms after alot of rain stink. BLECH