Friday, November 23, 2007


As I was reading the online version of our paper today I came across a very disturbing article about a video game designed for girls to "lie, bitch and flirt your way to the top of the high school ladder." I cannot even explain how much this makes my blood Paris Hilton and Britney Spears aren't doing enough to destroy the minds of young girls, now they can play a game designed to make them act like total idiots. According to the game's creative director (who surprisingly is a woman) the game is being misrepresented and that its intention is to be tongue-in-cheek about trying to be cool in high school. Right because at the age of 10 or 11 young girls will get the "irony " involved. PuLEASE.... What happened to encouraging young women to focus on their individuality and intelligence? And why is a woman promoting this? I cannot believe that is this day in age when women are positively influencing the way the world runs that some idiot comes up with a game to hold us back again.


Rick Rockhill said...

I have several young neices and I am SO protective of them from stuff like that.

kels said...

yeah it is crazy...sorry i think steam is coming out of my ears.