Friday, November 30, 2007

getting me down

It is early and I feel half asleep which is pretty much how I have been feeling for the past month. It is cold here, about -20C, beats me what that is in Fahrenheit but let me just say it is COLD. Like freeze your cheeks off (either set) cold or wear as many layers starting with thermals cold. Anyway the colder it gets the more I think I am not a cold-weather person. I like the snow but not the wind-chill.
I went to my first Christmas party of the season. It was an open house at an agency where I used to work. Everyone there is amazing, they truly were to best group of people to work with. It was nice to catch up with everyone but after the end of the night I ended up feeling a bit melancholy about my career or, to be honest, my lack of one. I am not too sure why it hit me more last night and today but I suppose it is that I see friends or co-workers my age moving ahead, getting promoted and earning great wages and seeming pretty darn happy. I usually get the inevitable question "So...where are you now?" to which I have to try and explain all the jobs I've held in the last 2.5 years. Which usually gets a "Wow...that is a lot of jobs..". I just end up feeling inarticulate, stupid and a little bit embarrassed by the fact that I am 26, edging on 27, and I have no clear career direction yet. It is just kind of getting me down today.


lu said...

sounds like you need a breakfast date, good thing one is on the horizon.

and i am pretty sure i had many conversations this past weekend with the exact same theme as this post. in other words, i can totally understand where you are coming from and how you are feeling. even if you don't think i do.

Anonymous said...

don't get yourself down about the job thing:-).......... search for what you want...... don't settle!!!

kels said...

i am searching...but i am so unsure of what it is i want to do. but on the flip side i do know what i DONT want to do ;)