Thursday, June 14, 2007

bangs and small talk

so in regards to my last post things are better well...sorted out at least. i do think that i made a poor decision to open my mouth but live and learn i guess. although i feel as though i have learned this lesson time and time again.
anyway on to lighter things, like my hair. i cut straight bangs, they are longer so they are sort of in my eyes a bit but i think it was a good change. plus i think if i hate them in a month they will grow out fast. sweet.
had a work party last night, the company's one year anniversary. i am not very good at shmoozing know small talk and charming everyone over. in fact it makes me really uncomfy but i did try and managed to have one really awkward conversation with a new client. it was going ok until i was out of things to say and was looking for a way to end the chat...we did the "nice talking to you" and then i started frantically looking for someone to catch my eye so that i could look like i HAD to go. no such luck so i just kind of looked like a dork. UuuuUUUUUUhhhhhhhh i really wish i was not so goofy. but then in a way i am kind of ok with not being some super charmer as i have never been big on kissing up to people and i think that is why i am bad at these type of events. it just feels so false to me.

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