Tuesday, June 12, 2007

instinct is always correct

i dont even know what to say today as things have gotten a bit out of hand. i made a crucial error at work and now i have to sort it out....not really work stuff more coworker stuff. sigh. one day i will learn to remain silent and hold my tongue but i suppose i needed this lesson. to go with your gut. i ignored mine (yet again) and now my gut is biting me in the ass. ew that is disgusting. meh at least i still have my sense of humour.


lu said...

oh dearie!

i hope things blow over soon. and that we run into one another on the msn soon so we can talk more.

and yes, a soldier.

kels said...

thanks lady i will fill you in as soon as i can. it is ok just one of those things

Anonymous said...

cousan, are we living parallel lives or something?

kels said...

ha maybe i have been thinking about that...it is weird that we are going through the same thing these days...