Thursday, June 21, 2007

public state of undress

Last night I was having dinner on 17th ave and witnessed numerous girls in pretty um.....tiny outfits. here is my question...who said that booty shorts are appropriate ANYWHERE but your own home. I mean I am all for showing off “watcha got” to an extent. If I can see the crease where your butt and thigh meet I think that it is time for longer shorts. incidentally I was with my friend who is training to be a nurse, she informed me that this is called the gluteal fold should you want correct terminology...i think maybe threase – thigh/crease may be a good name for it too or maybe thrack – thigh/crack (this one sounds like an STD...ew). what is up with this sort of fashion statement, when did it become acceptable even expected for women to dress like this. I am not sure, perhaps the male population likes to look at this, but I can’t imagine that they take these women seriously, these are not the type of women they would want to form a serious relationship with. What happened to leaving something to the imagination? Less really is more, I mean I don’t want to be eating my ‘el taco’ (which is totally delicious and can be found at the coup) and then have someone’s butt in my face.
As a young woman I really find this a major step back for ‘equalism’ (my version of feminism, equality and respect for both genders). my mother’s generation fought hard to beat stereotypes and discrimination and now we have 10 year old girls who want to be pussycat dolls. Is this new generation going to take woman back 50 years? I am very scared they might. With people like harper and bush in government we are already seeing rights that have been hard fought for and won, like abortion, being questioned. That makes me crazy, that anyone thinks they have the right to control anyone else’s body is beyond me. I don’t think I have the right at all to dictate how women dress but I think I have the right to say to women in general that we are so much more than our bodies and being well-read, intelligent and funny is a lot sexier than gluteal folds.


Dx said...

Love your terminology - threase and thrack are now being added to my vocabularly, though not to my wish list.

kels said...

yeah i doubt senior management would be too cool with that ;)

Dx said...

Senior Management is as cool as they come

kels said...

i think you misunderstood me....i am sure she does not want you adding that to your wish list! not when you already have one wicked lady