Tuesday, June 26, 2007

dinner, deafness and crest strips

Last night was a bit nutty. I had spanish which was ok except that I had not done any homework (bad I know) and I was a bit tired after staring at a computer screen all day. Then I made friends with the rescued cat my neighbours have (he has been living in their closet for about 4 months so the fact that he let me pet him is a good thing). Later on t took me for dinner at cilantro, one of my favourite restaurants, where we ate and drank in celebration of our 2nd anniversary. Let me tell you about my most favourite appetizer in the world. It is a portabello mushroom stuffed (and maybe baked?) with goat cheese. Honestly it makes me giddy. I always want to just order 2 for dinner but I suspect that may be viewed as little bit odd and perhaps over indulgent. We had the same waiter that we had the last time we were there and he speaks in tone that I swear is unrecognizable to my ears. him: “would you like something to hgsmnbakf this evening” me (looking at t anxiously hoping that he can understand what the guy is saying): “ummmm (think think think) yes I would like a white wine (YES!)” every time he came over I got nervous about having to ask him to repeat himself and t thought I was nuts at first and then after listening to the waiter for awhile agreed that he had one weird tone to his voice. The evening ended with us saying hi to our downstairs neighbours when we got home and laughing our heads off as ed proceeded to swear in turkish to our amusement while wearing crest strips.
I love those guys.


Stepiphany said...

This post is just great :)

kels said...

ha i am glad you liked it...it was one of those days that makes you look back and go "what a weird WEIRD day"