Thursday, May 24, 2007

but a fond memory

Things have been quieter which is welcome as I am person who recharges by spending quality time alone. also I have missed my knitting and I am back on making a pair of slippers for a friend. They are surprisingly easy which is nice or maybe my knitting skills are just getting better.

The other night I met up with some people from high school....some of them I have not seen since the last day of grade 12. It was pretty crazy but really nice at the same time. Everyone has turned out great and it is nice to meet them all as adults and laugh about the immature days of high school. It was the crazy phenomenon known as facebook that brought us all back together. I am glad of it as next year is our 10 year reunion but I do not expect to be here for it so this is a great way to find out what people are up to these days. Kind of surreal but also quite cool to see where everyone is and how they are.
So to my old pals it is truly nice to see you all!

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