Wednesday, May 16, 2007

to me

so it is one of those days where it is beautiful outside (26 degrees for goodness sake) and i am stuck inside. sigh. i suppose that is the way it goes but i find myself reminiscing for my university days when i had 4 months off and worked shift work so i often had days off to relax in the sun. who knew that years after wishing to be done school i would be wistfully recalling how great those days were. man if we could only go back and tell out younger selves to quit whining and enjoy it.
actually i would tell my younger self many things:

1- go to art school or fashion school
2- think about what you would like to do for a career (it will be an issue)
3-you are attractive in your own interesting way
4-maybe you should date around :)
5-floss more (had a bad trip to the dentist 2 weeks ago)
6-exercise more for goodness sake you are in kinesiology!
7-maybe you should consider switching programs
8-wear shorter skirts you have great legs and it is ok to know that
9-do crazy stuff now
10-remember that your family knows you best even if you don't believe it

i have alot more to tell my younger self but i think maybe i should focus on my "self" now and start getting in touch with the future self...

1 comment:

lu said...

i can attest to your great legs!