Monday, October 1, 2007

martha, milkshakes and models

i cannot get going this morning the last few days have been a blur here is a catch up..
  • i spent some time is micheal's (yeah i am crafty) and, while there, i came across Martha Stewart's new line of papers, ribbons, cards etc. i am pretty sure that martha has my dream job...
  • 4 pieces of pizza, even when starving is never a good plan
  • my neighbours, who i love, moved out this saturday. we helped them pack up and said goodbye. i cried.
  • t and i worked this saturday. we are almost done the second project we are working on which means we can invoice soon!
  • saturday was spent having dinner and drinks with 2 kiwis, 1 american, 1 argentinian and 1 brit. it was very nice to chat with people from all over the world
  • yesterday my sis and i drank milkshakes, goofed around and watched clips of models falling on youtube. i know we are mean but seriously i have not laughed like that in a long time. (she leaves on tuesday for asia...i will miss her so much)


Stepiphany said...

Note to self: search YouTube for the tags "models" and "falling".

kels said...

ha i will post up the links when i get a chance seriously sooooooo funny. i know i am a mean person ;)

Stepiphany said...

At least you're not mean alone.