Thursday, September 20, 2007

kid nation first impression and ideas

kid nation may be my new favourite show. i have only seen the premiere episode but so far it is quite interesting. yes it is a reality-type show (boo) but it involves 40 kids without adult assistance or supervision who have to create a working society for 40 days in the New Mexico desert. pretty interesting to watch the kids, aged 8 to 15, try to work out how to function together. the kids are are little geniuses, which takes away from the concept a bit, but i think this is a very interesting idea. perhaps we should get all the world's leaders together, take away all their "people", leave them in a deserted town in the middle of nowhere and tell them they need to sort their sh&t out. oh wait....better plan, add their wives into the mix as well....yep there we go NOW we are on our way...

still i have to watch a few more to see how it goes.

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