It is early and I feel half asleep which is pretty much how I have been feeling for the past month. It is cold here, about -20C, beats me what that is in Fahrenheit but let me just say it is COLD. Like freeze your cheeks off (either set) cold or wear as many layers starting with thermals cold. Anyway the colder it gets the more I think I am not a cold-weather person. I like the snow but not the wind-chill.
I went to my first Christmas party of the season. It was an open house at an agency where I used to work. Everyone there is amazing, they truly were to best group of people to work with. It was nice to catch up with everyone but after the end of the night I ended up feeling a bit melancholy about my career or, to be honest, my lack of one. I am not too sure why it hit me more last night and today but I suppose it is that I see friends or co-workers my age moving ahead, getting promoted and earning great wages and seeming pretty darn happy. I usually get the inevitable question "So...where are you now?" to which I have to try and explain all the jobs I've held in the last 2.5 years. Which usually gets a "Wow...that is a lot of jobs..". I just end up feeling inarticulate, stupid and a little bit embarrassed by the fact that I am 26, edging on 27, and I have no clear career direction yet. It is just kind of getting me down today.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
a bit nerdy
So I read the Golden Compass about 1 month ago, actually I devoured it. It was a great fantastical story intermixed with the author's philosophical thoughts on Christianity. I have been getting people I know to read it and already have a date to see the movie. You can go to the website and find out what your daemon is...a daemon is a person's soul manifested into an animal which can be seen by others. I know crazy eh? Anyway because I am a bit nerdy I went to find out what my daemon Lutheus.

Neat hey, T did it too but he was slightly pissed that his was a gibbon.

Neat hey, T did it too but he was slightly pissed that his was a gibbon.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
roll me a head!
Remember how I mentioned we had the coolest neighbours...well they moved out in October and new people moved in.
I have had it.
This new couple has huge screaming matches where things get broken or someone gets kicked out and we have to listen to it. But the icing on the damn cake is that at 3am this morning their huge bull mastiff cried and whined all morning. Beats me where the neighbours were as there is no way they could have been sleeping with that yowling going on. T and I tried everything from banging on the floor to praying it would stop. T even went downstairs wearing his uggs, my sassy fleece robe from grade 8 and his newsboy cap (obviously it was very early in the am) and banged loudly on the door to no avail though the dog did come by and sniff at the door.
So now I am at work holding my eyes open with toothpicks while I chug coffee.
All I have to say is if that happens again tonight..heads are gonna roll!
I have had it.
This new couple has huge screaming matches where things get broken or someone gets kicked out and we have to listen to it. But the icing on the damn cake is that at 3am this morning their huge bull mastiff cried and whined all morning. Beats me where the neighbours were as there is no way they could have been sleeping with that yowling going on. T and I tried everything from banging on the floor to praying it would stop. T even went downstairs wearing his uggs, my sassy fleece robe from grade 8 and his newsboy cap (obviously it was very early in the am) and banged loudly on the door to no avail though the dog did come by and sniff at the door.
So now I am at work holding my eyes open with toothpicks while I chug coffee.
All I have to say is if that happens again tonight..heads are gonna roll!
Friday, November 23, 2007
As I was reading the online version of our paper today I came across a very disturbing article about a video game designed for girls to "lie, bitch and flirt your way to the top of the high school ladder." I cannot even explain how much this makes my blood Paris Hilton and Britney Spears aren't doing enough to destroy the minds of young girls, now they can play a game designed to make them act like total idiots. According to the game's creative director (who surprisingly is a woman) the game is being misrepresented and that its intention is to be tongue-in-cheek about trying to be cool in high school. Right because at the age of 10 or 11 young girls will get the "irony " involved. PuLEASE.... What happened to encouraging young women to focus on their individuality and intelligence? And why is a woman promoting this? I cannot believe that is this day in age when women are positively influencing the way the world runs that some idiot comes up with a game to hold us back again.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
catch up
so i have been slacking on posting so here is what is going on
- the trip to San Francisco was awesome. it is beautiful and clean with really friendly people. I will post some pics soon
- we did a major pack of the apartment last weekend and attacked the office which was the room i was most scared of. we used to put everything we didn't know what to do with in there and then close the door....but it is clean now
- i posted some furniture for sale on monday and it sold monday night and now we have no dressers, desk or book shelf. our bedroom just has a bed in it and piles of clothes on the ground!
- our landlord brought someone to have a look at our apartment last night, it was sort of embarassing because like i said above our stuff is all over the ground. but she liked the place which means we can move out Dec.15 and get half a month of rent back!
- oh yeah and she wants to buy our TV and DVD player which means we dont have to move it
- it snowed here and though i don't feel like being cold i do hope it is a white christmas
Friday, November 16, 2007
patience is not my virtue
U2's Beautiful Day is playing on the radio at work and it is making think of the adventures to come. Of the sun on my face as T and I drive into the unknown. The taste of freedom is making it hard for me to focus on this Friday morning.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
posture and other things
So I am taking a photography course and the teacher cracks me up. There is a little language barrier with the teacher which ends up translating into random comments on a person's physique which sends me into giggles at the back of the classroom. Believe me, he has said unflattering things about me and I still think it is funny...
We had to all take turns modeling while people took turns taking photos and posing us, so that we could see how posing has a lot to do with how well a photo turns out. First up, young working gal, she reluctantly dragged herself to the front...the first thing the teacher says is she will look 20 pounds lighter if she does not face the camera straight on. I couldn't believe he said it, but young working gal took it well and remarked that she will walk sideways from now on. Our prof doesn't mean it, I think he just says exactly what he is thinking without thinking about how it might sound.
Then I get volunteered so I go up and they take some photos and he says, " see because her face is so skinny you can create cheekbones". I started to laugh because he just says the things we would never say. Then the finale was a larger guy was asked to model and the Prof suggested that if he sat up straighter he would be less chunky! Again this guy was pretty good about it and laughed it off. And I was busy at the back of the classroom trying to stifle snorts while I laughed in my head.
Lesson...sit up straight in photos and don't face the camera, angle yourself away a bit and think before you speak.
We had to all take turns modeling while people took turns taking photos and posing us, so that we could see how posing has a lot to do with how well a photo turns out. First up, young working gal, she reluctantly dragged herself to the front...the first thing the teacher says is she will look 20 pounds lighter if she does not face the camera straight on. I couldn't believe he said it, but young working gal took it well and remarked that she will walk sideways from now on. Our prof doesn't mean it, I think he just says exactly what he is thinking without thinking about how it might sound.
Then I get volunteered so I go up and they take some photos and he says, " see because her face is so skinny you can create cheekbones". I started to laugh because he just says the things we would never say. Then the finale was a larger guy was asked to model and the Prof suggested that if he sat up straighter he would be less chunky! Again this guy was pretty good about it and laughed it off. And I was busy at the back of the classroom trying to stifle snorts while I laughed in my head.
Lesson...sit up straight in photos and don't face the camera, angle yourself away a bit and think before you speak.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Weekend Update
The weekend starts for me tomorrow night when i fly to San Francisco with my mom. Yesterday I was not very excited but my feelings have changed as I browsed the SF tourism site. Museums, great food (wooo Sushi!) and lot of boutiques compounded by the kick-ass-ness of the Canadian dollar has helped. The only thing I am mildly stressed about is what to pack...or more honestly how many shoes is too many for a 4 day trip. The weather network shows cool temperatures and rain which is detrimental to my packing abilities. I think it is easier to pack for long trips than weekend trips...I only took 2 bags for a year in Japan but I feel like the suitcase I am taking to SF is way too big. Hmmm but I do plan to do a bit of shopping so it will probably be bursting on the way home to T's dismay. What? I can't help it, I love clothes the way gold member loves skin. (if you read this sis, you'll recall my perfect imitation of "i loooooovve clothes") a disgusting comparison perhaps but i think that same madness that we all saw in this character resembles my love of shoes, bag, clothes, scarves...righty then, this post has gone a bit askew but suffice to say i will be loving SF and all that is in it all the while experimenting with my new digital SLR!
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