i am feeling pulled in two different directions. we are supposed to be leaving in the next few weeks to go travelling and a work opportunity has come up which would be great but it will interfere with the travels we have planned. i am not sure what to do. thoughts?
That's quite the predicament. Would it just mean cutting your travels short, or nixing them altogether? It might help to ask the question, is this the sort of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that is, well... once in a lifetime? Ha. Or do you feel even a little confident that you can find a gem like it at some point in the future?
well that is just it....we don't know. i mean i like to think that something will happen again but you never know. also it would be a couple months of travel then having to come back here (which i don't particularly want to do) right in the middle of it all. i kind of think that something may happen work wise on our travels but the present opp could set us up for a while....
If this is a perfect match, job-wise, have you asked it they're willing to wait a bit? I was in the same boat once upon a time and the company was willing to wait the 3 months I spent traveling until my return.
All best, either way!
hmmm i dont think they can wait and we have planned to travel for a year or so. uuuuuhhh sometimes i wish it were easy! ;)
kels!!!! i wish you were here for a breakfast date already so soon (although it would be the 2 eggs i have in my fridge at the moment as i have very little food...) because i am feeling as though i will be in the EXACT SAME POSITION in the next few months.
i told you about my own travel plans and now it seems that there might be another opportunity for me here once i am done with this project. i thought i had made a decision but what if i cannot turn this next job down?
Kels, send me your email addy so we can discuss your knitting question.
you are such knitting geeks, i love it!
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