Tuesday, January 15, 2008

breaking up with my car

Well someone wants to come see my car, which is great, but I have to admit I am a little sad about selling my beloved Bobby. He is the first car I bought on my own when I returned home from travelling and he was all mine. I have spent lots of time in my little car speeding around town, grooving to my music, loving that he actually warmed up quickly on mornings that brought -30 degree weather....there are just so many good thing about him. But all good things come to an end...

I just finished cleaning and polishing him up and a little twinge of sadness came over me. I mean I know it could not last forever but for some reason I am quite sad at the prospect of losing him. I will miss him dearly. So, dear Bobby Assfire, you have been a fabulous first car and I really hope that who ever owns you next treats you well.

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