Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Since I am usually rambly I am guessing this blog is going to be a combo of that side of me as well as a place for me to write about my travels which are going to start again soon! We are leaving in about 2.5 months for Central and South America...but before then we have a pile of stuff to do...
1 - Pack up the apartment
This has started! Well actually I have only chucked our CDs into a box so there is lots to do
2 - Take pictures of furniture, post online and (please please) sell furniture
We are getting rid of some dressers, a desk and a bookshelf....this does mean that for about 4 weeks our clothes will live on the floor, chairs, the back of doors...
3 - Sell my beloved Ford Aspire a.k.a "Bobby Assfire"
I did not think I would care but I am more than a little sad to think I won't be speeding around in this car again.
4 - Try and get my Spanish ability moving forward
With all this other stuff going on I have been slacking on studying
5 - Get T and I vaccinated.
I hate needles. T hates them more than I do...good times.
6 - Eat everything in the pantry
Ok maybe not the seriously old looking vermicelli noodles that I cannot recall buying...but I hate throwing out food so we are going to attack that pantry with voracious appetites for all things canned, pickled and possibly unrecognizable.
Though I am getting a bit panicky that 6 weeks is not enough time for us to get ready and out of our apartment it is a good excitement.
1 - Pack up the apartment
This has started! Well actually I have only chucked our CDs into a box so there is lots to do
2 - Take pictures of furniture, post online and (please please) sell furniture
We are getting rid of some dressers, a desk and a bookshelf....this does mean that for about 4 weeks our clothes will live on the floor, chairs, the back of doors...
3 - Sell my beloved Ford Aspire a.k.a "Bobby Assfire"
I did not think I would care but I am more than a little sad to think I won't be speeding around in this car again.
4 - Try and get my Spanish ability moving forward
With all this other stuff going on I have been slacking on studying
5 - Get T and I vaccinated.
I hate needles. T hates them more than I do...good times.
6 - Eat everything in the pantry
Ok maybe not the seriously old looking vermicelli noodles that I cannot recall buying...but I hate throwing out food so we are going to attack that pantry with voracious appetites for all things canned, pickled and possibly unrecognizable.
Though I am getting a bit panicky that 6 weeks is not enough time for us to get ready and out of our apartment it is a good excitement.
Friday, October 26, 2007
As far as snacks go I tend to crave sweets in any fashion...cookies, candy (sours), etc. I actually don't crave chocolate, Japan is to blame (or maybe to thank) for that. The Japanese don't know about chocolate. I tried their 'version' of chocolate a few times and honestly it killed any desire for chocolate I might have had. Anyway...I digress, my new favourite snack is rice crackers (a thing the Japanese know tonnes about) and jalapeno hummus. Best snack ever, I swear, try it..you'll see.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
i got phished!
I would use real and colourful language but I do believe there are more descriptive words to describe this situation....ok not really... I just want to swear to the the high heavens about this. So here is the deal...my bank has been calling me non-stop and since I can see it is a 1-866 number I have been 'avoiding' the calls. Yes they could be calling for something important and this has crossed my mind which would explain my lack of brain cells about two hours ago. In my junk mail was a message from my bank asking me to log in and update my security information....
In my brain at that moment...
Two minutes later filling out my bank info on a form that I clicked to from the 'bank message'
"Wait a minute...didn't I already give this info.....$%#& %$#% %^#$ this is not my stupid bank....would their email address end in @sympatico.ca. UUUUHHHHH I am an idiot.....Oh my GOD someone may have my information RIGHT NOW. Frick I am such a tool. Ok ok ok call the bank..."
So I did and told them that about the email and to watch for unusual activity. Then I changed my password and called t to tell him about the situation. As always he told me not to worry I did the right thing. The right thing would have been not clicking that link!
2 minutes later her gets an email entitled "cannot breathe" from his lovely if a bit crazy wife,
(I should just reiterate how lucky I am to have someone that loves me even though I can get myself worked up in less that 3 minutes and then proceed to stress myself to the point of no return)
He very nicely suggested that perhaps I should just cancel my cards for peace of mind...I think it was his peace of mind but it was good call and that is just what I did.
So I owe an apology to the people at VISA and my bank. Thanks for cancelling my cards and not thinking that I was a total nard for clicking a link into a totally FAKE email.
And yes...I will call you back about adjusting my savings account.
I would use real and colourful language but I do believe there are more descriptive words to describe this situation....ok not really... I just want to swear to the the high heavens about this. So here is the deal...my bank has been calling me non-stop and since I can see it is a 1-866 number I have been 'avoiding' the calls. Yes they could be calling for something important and this has crossed my mind which would explain my lack of brain cells about two hours ago. In my junk mail was a message from my bank asking me to log in and update my security information....
In my brain at that moment...
"Ooooooh so THAT is why they are calling. Ugh what a pain, is this why they have been calling me three times a day for two weeks. Oops guess I should do this then maybe those blood sucking telephone operators can give it a rest for a bit...what a crappy job, really I should think of what they do whenever I am feeling bad about my lack of career and direction. Suckas!"
Two minutes later filling out my bank info on a form that I clicked to from the 'bank message'
"Wait a minute...didn't I already give this info.....$%#& %$#% %^#$ this is not my stupid bank....would their email address end in @sympatico.ca. UUUUHHHHH I am an idiot.....Oh my GOD someone may have my information RIGHT NOW. Frick I am such a tool. Ok ok ok call the bank..."
So I did and told them that about the email and to watch for unusual activity. Then I changed my password and called t to tell him about the situation. As always he told me not to worry I did the right thing. The right thing would have been not clicking that link!
2 minutes later her gets an email entitled "cannot breathe" from his lovely if a bit crazy wife,
"oh my god t i am scared that they have my info...i think i am having a minor panic attack...."
(I should just reiterate how lucky I am to have someone that loves me even though I can get myself worked up in less that 3 minutes and then proceed to stress myself to the point of no return)
He very nicely suggested that perhaps I should just cancel my cards for peace of mind...I think it was his peace of mind but it was good call and that is just what I did.
So I owe an apology to the people at VISA and my bank. Thanks for cancelling my cards and not thinking that I was a total nard for clicking a link into a totally FAKE email.
And yes...I will call you back about adjusting my savings account.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
thoughts on a sunny saturday
so i am sort of out of my funk....at least for now. i think i need to attempt to stop worrying so much about what the heck i am supposed to be doing. hopefully in giving myself a break i will succeed in moving onto the next step. so i will try to breathe deeply, laugh more, and to give myself a gosh darn rest! perhaps things will start to move if i stop fixating on them...
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
is it just me?
sometimes i wonder if i am ever going to get it right...even a little bit. i feel like i am not on the right path yet and i feel as though i am floating backwards while everyone puts all they have into paddling forward. this may just be a bad day but it sure seems like i am nowhere near where i hope or want to be, and i know that everyone says "do something about it" but i suppose if i knew what to do i would. i feel like i need some time to reflect and relax. to sort through the blur of time known as my early twenties when my life's direction shifted to neutral and now i am feeling stuck, unsure and so damn tired of worrying that i am not doing anything worthwhile. am i a living shell with a human exterior? or is this an extended quarter-life crisis? or is this all there is...i don't think it is. i know there is more and i so badly need to find some sort of calm fulfillment. perhaps saying it is a step to realising it....i sure hope so.
1:58 PM I just found this:
1:58 PM I just found this:
Think continually about the things you really want,
and refuse to think about the things you don't want.
- Brian Tracy
Point taken.
and refuse to think about the things you don't want.
- Brian Tracy
Point taken.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
like a polaroid picture
so as the kids in my family are leaving or have left (as my sis has) the family decided we should have some pictures taken. somewhere in the late 80s (ha this sounds so ominous) we had family portraits taken. my mother decided that my sister and i should be wearing the same dresses (which were black velvet with high cream satin collars and itchy...i hated it but i think it was because i hated being dressed like my sis. she loved it..ask her...she did!) anyhow we never had any professional family pictures taken again. so my brother, who is 16, has never been recorded as a member of our clan. actually he could care less it was more my mom and i thinking it might be a nice idea. so on monday night we all met at a local park and had some photos taken. it was nice, the photographers had us doing crazy stuff like skipping, chicken fighting and dog-piling on each other. yep, no stuffy more photographs for this family. so i am hoping that there are some good ones in the batch, they did take some individual pictures but they didn't give us much direction and i am sure i will look like a tool in them. t, on the other hand, broke out some modeling moves...who knew?
i am so looking forward to the long weekend coming up, i have tacked on a few more days to turn it into a mini vacation. i booked t and i in for a massage on friday night which i cannot wait for and then we head off to BC for a family thanksgiving celebration where we will golf, relax in the hots springs and eat way too much. (i usually forget to leave room for pumpkin pie but i cram it in anyway then spend the rest of the evening on the couch recovering). WEEEEEEEE!
here is my question why is it so expensive to fly in canada? on oct 12 i am joining t in toronto for yes, another long weekend. he has to be out there for work so all i have to do is get there and i can stay for free! i even got to pick a very nice hotel for us. i was trying to book my flight for one weekend, ONLY TWO DAYS, and it cost $900. i was bummed and figured i couldn't go...well i decided i wouldn't go as the cost was insane. but t convinced me to take the monday after off...i did...and it saved about $450, i am not kidding...24 hours later the flight drops to half the cost. that is ridiculous. honestly it is crazy that i could fly to bangkok for about the same amount of money. not to mention that i would probably spend less in two weeks there than two days in toronto! no wonder i have barely seen any of my home country...hey canada isn't our dollar kicking ass right now how about some cheap flights so people will spend their money in our great nation and not the states. sorry americans, no offense.
i am so looking forward to the long weekend coming up, i have tacked on a few more days to turn it into a mini vacation. i booked t and i in for a massage on friday night which i cannot wait for and then we head off to BC for a family thanksgiving celebration where we will golf, relax in the hots springs and eat way too much. (i usually forget to leave room for pumpkin pie but i cram it in anyway then spend the rest of the evening on the couch recovering). WEEEEEEEE!
here is my question why is it so expensive to fly in canada? on oct 12 i am joining t in toronto for yes, another long weekend. he has to be out there for work so all i have to do is get there and i can stay for free! i even got to pick a very nice hotel for us. i was trying to book my flight for one weekend, ONLY TWO DAYS, and it cost $900. i was bummed and figured i couldn't go...well i decided i wouldn't go as the cost was insane. but t convinced me to take the monday after off...i did...and it saved about $450, i am not kidding...24 hours later the flight drops to half the cost. that is ridiculous. honestly it is crazy that i could fly to bangkok for about the same amount of money. not to mention that i would probably spend less in two weeks there than two days in toronto! no wonder i have barely seen any of my home country...hey canada isn't our dollar kicking ass right now how about some cheap flights so people will spend their money in our great nation and not the states. sorry americans, no offense.
Monday, October 1, 2007
martha, milkshakes and models
i cannot get going this morning the last few days have been a blur here is a catch up..
- i spent some time is micheal's (yeah i am crafty) and, while there, i came across Martha Stewart's new line of papers, ribbons, cards etc. i am pretty sure that martha has my dream job...
- 4 pieces of pizza, even when starving is never a good plan
- my neighbours, who i love, moved out this saturday. we helped them pack up and said goodbye. i cried.
- t and i worked this saturday. we are almost done the second project we are working on which means we can invoice soon!
- saturday was spent having dinner and drinks with 2 kiwis, 1 american, 1 argentinian and 1 brit. it was very nice to chat with people from all over the world
- yesterday my sis and i drank milkshakes, goofed around and watched clips of models falling on youtube. i know we are mean but seriously i have not laughed like that in a long time. (she leaves on tuesday for asia...i will miss her so much)
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