Monday, April 30, 2007


so we watched "the last king of scotland" on saturday night and honestly i am still recovering. it was an interesting film and it definitely captured my attention. i have a hard time comprehending people like Idi Amin, i mean how can they get into power? yet, it seems, that time and time again unstable and violent people take over nations. i suppose they are charming at the beginning winning trust and making promises that sound amazing, but how they can get away with murdering hundreds of thousands of people? it makes me furious. although i was not born during Amin's reign it was only about 30 years ago that he was in power. that is ludicrous...what is more insane is that we don't hear about it until things are absolutely horrendous, how can this happen? how can we continually turn a blind eye? and why does it not change? it is things like this that make we wonder about what i am doing and about whether i might be better utilized at least trying to make a teeny difference like my friend lu.

1 comment:

lu said...

thanks kels!

have i mentioned that i miss you?!

normally i get annoyed when people think i am 'making a difference' because i don't really think that i am and because i figure anyone can 'make a difference' where ever they are, but lately i have felt like i am making a difference, so i appreciate you noting it here.

and that movie kicked ass in the all the ways a movie should. i am still contemplating a trip to uganda...

and by the way, the wonderment about what makes people go crazy with power? i still don't understand it, but i think i understand it slightly more from spending time in africa. a huge generalisation, i know, but frightening nonetheless.