Monday, April 9, 2007


i am winding up my long weekend today. things have been pretty good, although i still feel like i could use some more time doing nothing instead of catching up on things i have been meaning to do, but any time to myself is better than none at all.
i was super excited to meet a friend of a friend this weekend. it was great, i picked her up and we had a fabulous breakfast where we talked about everything. it was like we were old friends just picking up where we left off. moments like that make me feel so elated! i love meeting people i can relate to and have interesting and meaningful conversations with.
(so Lu i owe you a big thanks for the introduction)
i spent some time with the fam this weekend which was nice and the easter bunny did arrive at my folk's house where t and i stayed over. it was a mass of candy in the house as apparently the easter bunny got a bit confused and stopped in a few times. but we all ended up with a whole lot of sugar which is going to be dangerous for me since i have a sweet tooth.
even better was the beginning of my long weekend when t took me out to see anoushka shankar (who is amazing) and he gave me a silver bracelet to add to my collection, just because...
he knows i am having a bit of a rough time so it was so nice to receive the support. that is the type of people i need around me right now.

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