Thursday, March 29, 2007

spring colds

Ugh. I feel awful. I have a cold and it is getting worse instead of better which I hope means that tonight will be rough but I will feel better tomorrow. I started taking drugs the minute I felt it coming on, much to Tom's dismay who thinks I should try and fight it more naturally. Ummmm I have watched him do it that way and I am not sure it is for me. He takes a spoonful of honey (hmmmmm good) with chopped garlic on it (eeeeew yuck!). Then he retreats to our bedroom and sweats the sickness out. Yeah not for me. But to appease the flower child within my husband I reluctantly take a spoonful of echinacea in it's tincture form, every night when I am sick, which usually results in my gag reflex kicking in and Tom laughing.
The things we do for love...


lu said...

hey lady,

i am sorry we missed one another on the msn, but we can catch up in a few weeks when my fam leaves, i will mail you my number.

and about the garlic... i once swallowed some cloves whole like pills because i was in the middle of butt-you-know-what nowehere in south africa and felt a bladder infection coming on and it worked like a charm.

hope you are feeling better soon. i think that chicken noodle soup and tea do wonders. if not medicinal, at least for the spirit!

kels said...

thanks sorry i could not make our chat. i am feeling much better. i downed about 8 cups of tea which always makes me feel better and watched Casino Royale (ha ha so my brain did not have to work too hard). send me your phone number and we will chat. miss you!