Friday, February 29, 2008

Snow to sun

We made it....out of blizzarding Calgary all the way to the Baja. And I have been really lazy at updating this so here is another catch up:
  • I turned 27 in San Francisco and got ID'd in the same day
  • I paid $18 for a mani and pedi in San can it be so pricey in Calgary
  • Wilfrid seems to be acting better
  • Mexican military stops scare me
  • My Spanish is atrocious but I try anyway
  • We rented a house by a world class surf comes with a housecleaner WHA???
  • I am going to try and learn how to surf ( I am already imagining burping up saltwater)
  • My writing gig might just be working out...though I still feel like I am a sham
  • T has not burned his entire body yet
  • There are whales right off the coast here so close you could swim out and touch them
  • The people here are very friendly
  • I feel like this could be a potential home for us


lu said...

1 - i love the cheap mani/pedi and don't know how i will live with them at $10 a pop

2 - embrace the housekeeper, i don't know how i will live without mine and i know how colonial and awful that sounds, but seriously, i love it

3 - whales? wow, that is amazing! i have never seen a whale in the ocean, which is were you would imagine you would see one!

4 - you sound happy, which makes me happy. habla la espanol sin temor!

Stepiphany said...

sounds fantastic. i intend to live vicariously through your travel entries. Where can I find reads from your new gig?