Monday, May 19, 2008

i should get more delicious sleep

For the past few weeks I have been unable to sleep. Ok...I do get sleep but not restful and it takes me ages (like hours) to fall into sleep. The past few weeks I have been working on less than 5-6 hours of sleep a night...I know that seems like it should be enough but I am a gal who likes her 8 hours and it is starting to take its toll. I don't really know what it is but the minute my head hits the pillow I start thinking about all the work we have to do, all the writing I should be doing, whether we will ever own property.....Clearly I do not need to be keeping myself up worrying over these things but I cannot seem to just let it go. I envy T who rolls over, tells me not to worry about things because it doesn't help (which I get, thank you very much) and then in about 5 minutes is sawing down a whole forest of sleepy trees while I lie awake pondering all the things I should do. I have been told to take the word SHOULD out of my vocabulary, I am trying but this one is a real hard one to remove for some reason.

Last night I decided to say "screw it"...I did not think about work, I did not worry about writing, I did not worry about what I should be doing and miraculously I fell into delicious sleep. It was so needed I hope that I can tell everything else in my mind to take a hike tonight because this lady has a TON of delish sleep to catch up on.

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