Friday, February 23, 2007

how can days be so long

today felt like the longest day ever. maybe it was because i woke up with puffy eyes and the desire to crawl right back into bed. but i managed to get up and go to work but let me tell you this day dragged on and on. i suppose it might be due to the fact that i am feeling a little lost right now. i am at this weird point where i am wondering when do you begin to understand more and how do people balance everything. i am not convinced that work should equal your whole life, yet when i see the people around me it seems to swallow them. maybe they have found their passion and am i trying to find mine, i just don't know. i suppose that this is the beginning of a very.very, very long journey....but i am ready for it.


lu said...

oh kels, i am having one of those 'will i ever get there days' like you were and i wish you were here so we could have a nelly's breakie to discuss and analyse or just laugh!

looking forward to our next chat!

kels said...

lu i know i can be hard. i would love a nelly's breakie with you but i suspect that might be a long time before we can do that again. maybe we could MSN and both have tea at the same time...a tea break!