Wednesday, February 28, 2007


so it was a much better weekend. i decided to take saturday to myself even though i had things to grocery shop, start a project for my jewellery class and laundry. but instead of rushing around and then proceeding to complain that i have no time i TOOK time for me. one thing i was told once that you cannot make time but you certainly can take time and i think everyone needs to do that sometimes. so i had a lovely day pottering around the house and even cleaned the house a bit. and to top off the day tom and i shared great coversation, guitar lessons and way too many drinks with our amazing neighbours.

sunday was nice too, even though i did have the dull throb of the infamous hangover headache of one too many drinks. i ate indian food with my family for a little belated birthday celebration. naan bread does wonders for a hangover! then i was treated to homemade cake by my lovely husband and many nice gifts. but i think my favourite was from tom. he presented to me a treasure chest box covered in carvings that he did by hand and then inside was a fancy, professional camera! It is a digital camera with the lenses that change out and all the gizmos that go along with that. needless to say i need to sit down with the instruction booklet so i can figure out all the functions and how to use it. but i hope to have some time this weekend and then i can begin to post photos.

Friday, February 23, 2007

how can days be so long

today felt like the longest day ever. maybe it was because i woke up with puffy eyes and the desire to crawl right back into bed. but i managed to get up and go to work but let me tell you this day dragged on and on. i suppose it might be due to the fact that i am feeling a little lost right now. i am at this weird point where i am wondering when do you begin to understand more and how do people balance everything. i am not convinced that work should equal your whole life, yet when i see the people around me it seems to swallow them. maybe they have found their passion and am i trying to find mine, i just don't know. i suppose that this is the beginning of a very.very, very long journey....but i am ready for it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

will i get there?

i am having one of those days when i am not too sure if i know anything. i mean here i am 26 and i feel like i am not anywhere close to where i thought i would be. i am sure that it is a twenty something thing but that does not make me feel any better. so instead of mulling over this i am going to watch some thursday night tv and eat cinnamon hearts until my tongue hurts.

Monday, February 19, 2007

hello 26 bring on the goodness

so today is my birthday and the big 26 it is and i can only say how ready i am for this year to be the year of goodness...

things i am thankful for today:

  • my fun and loving family
  • tom
  • the birthday messages i got today
  • the delicious cheesecake from ed and joelle
  • the way my brother does things that make me laugh (#1)
  • that 25 is over